
Monday, September 5, 2011


See below for an email from an enthusiastic reader!  Of course, new material is in the queue, but for now we're sure this will suffice as our latest update.  Thanks to Beth and our other 9,999 readers.  Did you know PinkBike was recently nominated for Best In Show for the 2011 Bloggies?  Wow!  Thanks everyone!

PinkBike Staff

Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 12:43 AM
Hello PinkBike Overloards, 

Long time follower, first time emailer here!  Just wondering when the blog was going to be updated next!??!!!?? I've gone out and purchased 16 flannel shirts and have been getting laid like a mason's brick ever since. Thanks for your help!  But...well....I'm in need of advice/direction in my life and it appears as though the site is no longer in operation?  Are you dead, blog? Have you offed yourself? Did you slit your website wrists longways like the girl in The Craft did and you're dead now and gone?   Are you no longer in existence?  Did you shave your head like Sinead O'Rebellion in Empire Records and decide to defy the system?  Are going through your anti-conformity phase and refusing to contribute to the World Wide Web OF LIES? Ehhhh....where are you!?  Do you need new ideas? Are you just hungry? Hungry for inspiration?  I have a fat statue in my gallery that is in need of some Spanx and I was curious if your staff had any advice on that --- it could be a starting point for your next column? Do you need any interns?  I know Adobe Photoshop and I have a Communications degree from a major state university.  Ok, Call me! you know... Email me! I'm really bad at leaving messages...soooo...liiiikeeee......ummm.....Is this thing still recording?  Oh my God, do I sound weird? Am I coming off weird?  Are you still there? If you're there pick up...or G-Chat me right away????  Ok.... ok...I'm just ummmm going to sign off now then.  Email me back.  About the blog.  The PinkBike. I love your website so much it hurts.  Have you ever thought about doing a website that makes fun of and calling it and making it an advice column written by a Dinosaur?  Ok. Ok.  Good. Good then. Email me. 


Beth from Bethlehem 

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