
Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Love of a Parent

You were conceived in the clouds of our coffee…over lazy brunches we alluded to you, even before we knew what you would be become.  Sure, hints were dropped, but neither of us dared to admit the road we were walking down…the eventuality of you.  Ideas were born over egg-white omelets, but with nowhere to go they’d float up and away, like Cinderella’s dreamy bubbles, flashes of brilliance each Saturday and Sunday morning that the world would sadly never see.  The truth was, we needed you, we just didn’t want to admit it.

After all, we live in a crazy busy f’ed up world, don’t we? Between writing papers calling for more complete historiography on the exchange between modern African American thought and the Indian Independence Movement, raising money for public media non-profits hit hard by the recent NPR and CPB snafus, and serving as Presidents of the National Association of Women MBA's, we had excuses a-plenty, now didn’t we?

“It’s never a good time to start a web log”, or so they say.  It will never feel like you’ve put away enough money, had enough adventures, or spent enough time fiddling around inside other people’s web logs.  But at a certain point, we realize, we all realized, that if we wanted to painlessly birth and raise you while still relatively young and tech-savvy, now is the time.  I mean, can you imagine, a blog at 40?!  The risks!

So we made a promise to one another when we decided to have you  – we pledged to stick it out.  There would be late nights, disagreements over how to raise you, what was appropriate for you and what wasn’t.  And beyond that, the vices and the partying, the families and the responsibilities – it would all need to come second to you. Sure, a handful of bad habits and clingy family members linger out of necessity (namely inspiration), but we started out with a strong commitment to you that’s only recently begun to waver.

Over the past few weeks though, web blog, something’s become infinitely clear.  In short, our lives have suddenly seemed empty without you.  Where there was once a spark, lay only cinders; the babbling brook of creativity and enterprise flows with less vigor now than before.  Can’t you see, that we see, that we need you, just as much as you need us?!  We can’t just feed you a few meager posts and expect to plump right up into the Hanzel we imagined you’d be!  It takes work to raise a blog!  But we wanted you, we want you, we’ll always want you!  

That’s why I hereby declare today to be the day I officially re-affirm my unwavering love for you.  I’ve discussed it with your other legal guardians, and while they too miss you and want you back in their lives, I resolved to take the first step to getting you back into mine.  We’ll just have to wait and see about the others – I don’t know if they’ll come back and if they do, I don’t know under what terms.  Will their next post be the equivalent of a brand new pony (which you might still be too young for, but would be a nice gesture nonetheless)…or some type of two-bit birthday card with a few crinkled ones inside?  We’ll just need to wait and see, finger crossed.

Can we control what they do?  No, we can’t, can we?  But I promise you this, whatever happens, I’m sticking by you.  I’m back and I’m not going anywhere.  Ok?  Understood?  Allll right then, come here, come on next to me...that’s right, scooch.  Gimme hug?  Kiss?  Aww, sweetie, shh, don’t cry. There, there, I love you too.

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